Automatically Adding a Lot Number and Expiry Date to Flu Prescription

For Flu Injection prescriptions, Lot # and Expiry Date can be auto-populated in the Pharmacy Use section if the information is added to the Shipment Detail window.

Note: For the province of Alberta, the Lot # and Expiry Date can only be added the flu DIN, not the flu PIN.

To auto-populate Lot # and Expiry Date for a flu prescription:

  1. Search for and select a flu DIN or PIN.
  2. Select the Inventory tab.
  3. Highlight a pack size and select the magnifying glass icon.

    Note: The magnifying glass icon will only be visible if the highlighted pack size is monitored.

  1. Highlight the row from the Shipment Received section and select the magnifying glass icon.

  1. Enter the Lot # and Expiry Date for the DIN.
  2. Select the OK button.
  3. Repeat Steps 1 - 6 for all remaining flu DINs and PINs.

Note: These steps must be completed for each shipment received in order for the correct Lot # and Expiry Date to be recorded and auto-populated in the Pharmacy Use section.